Roger Sandgren /사진작품
"슬픈 가을"
IR flowery seashore
Sony DSC-F828
Scandinavian summer night in IR light
Sony DSC-F828
The final rest for the old boat
Sony DSC-F828
Old boat in tarn who has served her time.
Sony DSC-F828
Fishermans shed (IR)
Sony DSC-F828
At twilight in IR-Land
Sony DSC-F828
In the gathering dusk
Sony DSC-F828
Windmill, IR
Sony DSC-F828
times long past
Exposure: 24-Sep-05 00:00 Submitted: 01-Oct-05 17:06
The most green of the IR-world
Sony DSC-F828
View over the IR river
Sony DSC-F828
Grazing land
Exposure: 26-Sep-04 00:00
Submitted: 06-Oct-04 07:58
view in midnight sun. Andörja, North of Norway
Exposure: 13-Jun-05 00:00
Submitted: 28-Jun-05 13:42
Olive(r)Twist II
Exposure: 14-Sep-06 00:00
Submitted: 14-Oct-06 16:02
The IR bridge Exposure: 03-Jun-05 00:00
Submitted: 07-Jun-05 14:23