Johann Georg Meyer von Bremen
German Academic Classical artist born 1813 - died 1886
The Butterfly Oil on panel, 1878 57/8 x 4 3/4 inches
(15.2 x 12.1 cm)Private collection
단발머리 소녀가
웃으며 건내준 한 장의 꽃봉투
새봄의 봉투을 열면
그애의 눈빛처럼 가슴으로 쏟아져오는
소망의 씨앗들
가을에 만날
한송이 꽃과의 약속을 위해
따뜻한 두손으로 흙을 만지는 3월
나는 누군가를 흔드는
새벽 바람이고 싶다
시들지 않는 언어를 그의 가슴에 꽂는
연두색 바람이고 싶다
3 월에..이해인
Madchen Mit Wasserkrug [The Young Water Carrier]
Oil on canvas, 1864 181/2 x 15 inches
(47 x 38.1 cm)Private collection
A Little Schoolgirl Oil on panel, 1875 87/8x 7 inches
(22.7 x 17.8 cm)Private collection
Das Lesende Mädchen The Reading Girl Oil on canvas 175/8x 14 inches
(45 x 35.6 cm)Private collection
Das Lesende Madchen [Girl Reading] Oil on canvas, 1884 121/2x 93/8
inches (31.8 x 24.1 cm) Private collection
An Interrupted Moment Oil on canvas, 1876 143/8x 115/8
inches (36.8 x 29.8 cm)Private collection
Contemplation Oil on canvas, 1865 19 x 131/2
inches (48.5 x 34.3 cm)Private collection
Knitting Girl Oil on canvas Public collection
Making a Bouquet Oil on canvas
Public collection
Mittagsruhe [Siesta]Oil on canvas, 1866 20 x 15 5/8
inches (50.8 x 40 cm)Private collection
At the Well Oil on canvas, 1872 25 7/8x 20
7/8inches (66 x 53.3 cm)Private collection
Admiring The Picture Oil on canvas,1/8x 161/8
inches (56.5 x 41 cm)Private collection