
Jules Bastien-Lepage [French Realist Painter(1848-1884)

scholle 2011. 7. 28. 02:52
Jules Bastien-Lepage [French Realist Painter(1848-1884)
French painter, was born in the village of Damvillers, Meuse, France, on the 1st of November 1848 and spent his childhood there. He first studied at Verdun, and prompted by a love of art went in 1867 to Paris, he was admitted to the École des Beaux-arts, working under Cabanel. 프랑스의 화가. 밀레와 같은 관점으로 주로 전원풍경이나 농민생활을 소박하게 그렸으며, 초상화와 풍속화에도 뛰어났다. 전통적인 프랑스회화의 기법을 익히고 쿠르베와 마네의 영향도 받았으나 나중에는... 모네 등의 인상주의의 특징인 외광(外光)묘사도 받아들였다. 대표작에, (목초밭 The Hay-field)(사라 베르나르상(像))등이 있다.
All Souls Day The Ripened Wheat Rural Love Joan of Arc At Harvest Time Jules Bastien-Lepage Haymaking
Haymakers Roadside Flowers (The Little Shepherdess)1882 oil on canvas Going to School
Pauvre Fauvette Pauvre Fauvette 1881 Oil on canvas Nothing Doing.
1882  Oil on canvas (132.1 x 89.5 cm) Going to School 1882  Oil on canvas The london bootblack 1882  Oil on canvas (132.5 x 89.5 cm) The Little Lord 1880 45.7 x 34.29 cm Oil on canvas The Beggar Oil on canvas, 1880  (192.5 x 180.5 cm) The Blind Beggar Oil on canvas La Chanson du printem, 1874  Oil on canvas,148 x 100 cm October: Gathering Potatoes Oil on canvas, 1879 (180.34 x 195.58 cm Oil on canvas, 1879(254.00 x 279.40 cm) Oil on canvas, 1880  (81.3 x 105.4 cm) The Ripened Wheat Oil on canvas, 1880  (50.7 x 105 cm) The Sarah Bernhardt Portrait 1879 Oil on canvas 전설의 연극배우 사라 베르나르의 초상 [Bochum:scholle/28.07.2011]